I made a new game! Last weekend was the end of Wizard Jam 5, so I made a game inspired by the prompt “Half a Brain”. I’m pretty happy with how well it turned out!

EVADER is an arcade style action game about skilfully avoiding death using a unique dual-control movement system.

You can see the development log for this game (WIP GIFs and screenshots) on the Idle Thumbs forum thread I made for it: https://www.idlethumbs.net/forums/topic/11553-released-evader/

Wizard Jam is the Idle Thumbs community game jam that we run twice a year. It runs for two weeks and is always super fun to be involved with. As well as making a game, I was responsible for running the jam too, which was also really good fun. Making promotional materials for the event was a nice excuse to get back into After Effects to do some motion graphics work; something I’ve lapsed on for a while now. Here’s the video I made this time:



UPDATE 1 (23/06/17):

EVADER was featured on Kotaku today! www.kotaku.com/a-twin-stick-game-with-no-bullets-1796369065 


UPDATE 2 (24/06/17):

EVADER is featured on the front page of itch.io!


UPDATE 3 (01/07/17):

EVADER was featured on PC Gamer’s free games of the week column!